2009 turned out to be pretty transformational year for me and my family. Things got going early in the year as I left my corporate HR job the first week of the year. After 13+ years of doing HR work, it was time to try something new, but what?
After taking a few months off which included a trip down to Peru a little clarity settled in and I decided to pursue my passion for wine by starting a business focused on wine. After a substantial amount of due diligence, my brother-in-law and I started Uncorked Ventures. Our focus would be to bring exciting and great wines to individuals across the US via our wine clubs. As we stand on the verge of 20101 our long hours have been rewarded as we prepare to send out of grand opening announcement emails. While getting the business off the ground was more complicated than we fully anticipated, it has been an enjoyable and mind expanding. I have much more respect for my fellow small business owners than I had prior to beginning this adventure. I am also thankful for my business partner/brother-in-law. Having someone to rely on and share the ups and downs makes the journey bearable at times and down right pleasurable at other times.
Starting Uncorked Ventures has been transformational not just on the work front, but also on the home front. Eliminating 2 hours plus of commute time from my day has been freeing. Working from home several days a week has also allowed me the opportunity to interact with my kids much more. I feel like I know each of my kids better and that they enjoy having me around more. My kids are growing up fast and I am glad I am enjoying them now. My sons has already proclaimed that he wants to sell wine like daddy when he grows up.
As this year ends, I feel more alive and refreshed. I hope that all the hard work pays off and that customers make their way to our website. Here is to the new year and all the possibility it holds for me and my family and hopefully for you as well.
Take care.
[Via http://winewithmatt.wordpress.com]
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