Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Last Thursday, I attended #Twtrcon in DC. Twtrcon is a conference for businesses that have applied Twitter in their business strategy, so no novices here.

The main reason I went to Twtrcon is to meet people I met before and finally see the faces of the people I met through Twitter the past year so they wouldn’t think I’m a fake  I can say I have reach double digits meeting the HR/Recruiting people, although I have 700 HR/Recruiting pros to meet.

Twtrcon had several sessions throughout the day. The ones I was most anticipated were Michael DiLorenzo of the NHL on real-time branding since if you go to my all-around Twitter feed you know I’m a bit “devoted” to the NHL.  I also wanted to listen to Jessica Lee and Kerry Noone’s presentation on Twitter for Recruiting since that’s my area of expertise. Both were great discussions on how to use Twitter.

Twtrcon also provided a few memorable quotes:

  • “Free the Nerds”
  • “People should tweet, not brands”
  • “There is no social media expert”
  • “Twitter is a sushi conveyor belt moving at 100 mph”
  • “Twitter: blogging for lazy people”
  • “If you aren’t failing you aren’t trying”
  • “What wine pairs up best with bacon?”

The presentation that had everyone’s attention was Scott Harrison’s charity: water. Scott showed video and stats of how much people have donated and how their donations help in Africa. Almost everyone agreed that it was a powerful presentation, although some question that his presentation has nothing to do with Twitter. In hindsight, I agree that it wasn’t focusing on how Scott was utilizing Twitter, but I really think Scott made the point that if you have a powerful message, it can be transmitted anywhere, no matter the source. 

There are some things I want to change for Twtrcon like the 5 minute real-time tools “ad”.  I found it more promotional than informative and I wouldn’t mind if they gave us 30 minutes to walk around the area to see the new products for Twitter, which for the most part, are very useful.  Another adjustment Twtrcon should make is have a screen in front of the speaker or panel to see what questions arises, they can answer it, although if they put a screen outside the Grand Hyatt to let everyone see what people are tweeting about, that will be much better.

Overall, I thought the sessions were useful, but Tonia Ries made the greatest point in the beginning of Twtrcon that the conference is for the people to share their ideas and network with other tweeple and this conference drive that point.

This brings me to the future of Twtrcon if it is going to continue when Twitter’s popularity fades.  I remember 5 years ago people were holding local MySpace parties and everything thought it was a great idea.  Then, MySpace is off of anyone’s radar (except for the creeps).  What Twitter brought that no other social media did is involve anyone who wants to contribute of anything.  While Facebook, Linkedin and other social media do have some barriers, Twitter is making a small world even smaller.  Case in point: I met a guy who is a patient of my brother.  However, the world and technology is going fast and Twitter will eventually be in the bottom of the totem pole.  That said, there will be conferences about social media or any speciality involving social meadi and its impact.  This year is Twitter;  next year, there will likely be a Google Wave Conference;  and 5 years from now, there’s going to be a Hologram conference where people stay at their homes and bring their holographic self.  Either way, all of these conferences have one thing in common: the people, which the conferences should always be about.


Pictures from ReadySetDC

Twtrcon Presentations

Official Twtrcon Site

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