Thursday, March 4, 2010

Queen Triggerfish

The fish of the week is Queen Triggerfish.

This is a beautiful fish with an attitude.  During the mating season they will try to take a chunk out of divers if they roam too close their nests.  The males will protect the cone shaped nests by swimming out the top and chomping on anything near.  The key is to swim horizontally because they shoot straight up to attack.

Its body is large and powerful, the eyes being set high up on the forehead. The base color of the fish is a light yellow while the fins are tinted in blue.

Why the name Triggerfish?  They have the unique ability to lock their first two dorsal spines in an upright position, providing a defense against the larger predators of the oceans that try to make a meal of them.  The first, (anterior) spine is locked in place by erection of the short second spine, and can only be unlocked by depressing the second, “trigger” spine, hence the family name “triggerfish”.

Queen Triggerfish is on the menu tonight at the Bistro.  I have 2 wines that pair very well with this dish.  Dog Point Sauvignon Blanc and Annabella Chardonnay.

See you soon…


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