Today my mind has been racing all over the place. Lots and lots of noise. Too much noise. I have to slow it down. Have to focus. So I thought I’ll sit and blog a dream I’ve had a couple times, the first time was about a month ago. I like this dream, even if it woke me the first time with my heart racing.
It starts in a present-day sort of setting, but I’m at a summer camp or boarding school of sorts. The dorms are set up sort of in an apartment style, several stories tall. But with an interior hall. There were four people to a room, there were no doors. The dorms are set up on a campus of sorts in the country with rivers and waterfalls. It is really pretty.
I am further down the hall on the boys’ end of the floor taking a shower in a friend’s room. Some crazy women, I think they are teachers or chaperones of some sort, but they are mad and angry and killing everyone. I sneak back to my room to get clothes but before I can the women are coming down the hall with carts full of body bags. Everyone I was just hanging out with on the other side of the dorm are dead. I tell my roommates we need to run, so I take off, no clothing on.
We get to the front gates, where there is a parking lot with the faculty cars. We find a group of people and rush to a car to hot wire it and escape. At this point, while in the car I am very aware of a choice I have. I know that I can wake up and end it and not be scared at all or I can keep dreaming and see what happens. I choose to keep dreaming. After that choice, some evil thing pushes the car into the river. We escape out of the sun roof and windows and are swimming in the river to find safety.
I am with one friend now. She and I go over a waterfall and the setting changes. It’s an older time. It’s more wild. The river splits ahead of us. Evil women keep shooting at us and two guys jump in. I know that they are bad but they are different, not evil. They have magic weapons and I know we need them to find safety. They have some sort of magical weapons.
They tell us to swim to the right. Once we’re over to the right, they try to kill us. But I get close enough to one of them to look him in the eyes. The eye contact was important and allowed me to convince them to not kill us. We agreed to help them. Once they saw we were not the evil women they didn’t try to hurt us anymore. I tell them about the evil women and why we are in the river. They tell us they have to find the wine.
We see an old building along the left bank of the river. We’re sneaking our way inside. Some sort of priest is after us. I’m still naked and barefoot so I am not running over the rocks as quickly. But I find a spot to start climbing a wall. One of the guys comes back to help make sure the priest doesn’t catch me. At the top I find a strange rack full of wine bottles in the ceiling. I hide up there so the priest can’t hear us. He walks past me and up a different set of stone steps.
The priest knows we are there. He tells us to all drink a bottle of his wine if we want to live. He has me drop down bottles from where I’m hiding to everyone. We start drinking his wine but find out it isn’t wine at all. They are bottles of blood. Something changes in us. We’re different, but the same.
There is an explosion outside. The evil women who had been chasing us die in the fire. We swim out from the building. The river is curling around farms, we see small run down homes. Poor homes. We are evil now. But not bad. We know there is a war of evil coming. We have wings. And we fly up out of the water through smoldering trees. There are others like us flying into the sky. We are getting ready for war.
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