This is actually Random Acts of Kindness Week, so I hope you tried doing something nice for someone. The Kind Over Matter blog has some suggestions if you’re stumped.
My Happiness Project is more about nonrandomness, although random is OK, as long as it makes someone smile. And without further ado, here are my week’s nicenesses:
NRAoK 43: Hosted après-ski for two ski bunny friends, both of whom I’ve known since boys had cooties (and one of whom is my much-missed Roomie). It was nice to catch up!
NRAoK 44: The Sherpa and I had a little Valentine’s Day celebration, and I made him a mix tape (OK, a CD) of a lot of my favorite songs and gave him some treats from Cherry Republic (a cherry-based food empire based in the Michigan town I go to in the summer). What made him smile the most about it all was the card that came with the cherries, which was a handwritten version of the greeting I typed, but mixed up so that it looked like it was FROM him. What, so a woman can’t get a man chocolate for Valentine’s Day??
OK, and on a side note, something that made us both smile on Saturday was the bottle of wine that he brought to dinner. He said he’d been saving it for a special occasion, but we discovered that the wine actually made the occasion! (Thank you again!)
NRAoK 45: Introduced The Sherpa to the better-than-average sushi at Wegman’s. I think he was pleasantly surprised!
NRAoK 46: Signed up for the March of Dimes, in honor of the Chicken Noodle. Natalie was born 8 weeks premature on 12/29/09 and thankfully her NICU physicians and nurses took amazing care of her and she’s happily and healthily chugging along at home now! I’ve set a goal of $200. Donate here or click to the right!
NRAoK 47: In the course of watching LOST with the Chicken, I typed the answer to a trivia question for her on ABC’s LOST blog while she fed the Noodle. We won! Sweet.
NRAoK 48: Had a nice laugh-in with a friend over sushi. I think we both needed it.
NRAoK 49: This one’s about me, and I’ll post more about it later, but I got on the scale this morning and was down a couple of pounds from last week! With all the bike time in my future, being a little lighter will help (especially since I’ve had those heart issues while trying to climb hills), so this made me smile.
And now that we’re at the magic number 50, I’m going to start updating about the Happiness Project only every 50 days. So look for a post about my First 100 Days in another 50.
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