Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Presentation - The Labels

A huge part of the fun in amateur winemaking is the presentation of the wine. I’m of the opinion that if you go to a lot of effort to make the wine then a lot of effort should go in to displaying and presenting it. It’s all part of the fun and, at parties, there’s nothing like showing off a wine that has been properly bottled, corked, labelled and capped by you. It can be a good talking point as people sip on your wine.

Also, a sizable enough percentage of points goes towards your score for presentation if you decide to enter any amateur competitions with it. A few years ago a recipient of one of my bottles entered it into a competition, and what do you know, it won!

So, lets talk about labeling the wine. The general rule is, there are no rules, and you can have as much fun with the labels and names as you want. I had originally thought of going down the route that some commercial wine producers have gone in recent years and use a humourous name or pun for the wine like the New Zealand Vinyard Fairview’s, Goats Do Roam (GROAN!!!) or a really colouful label like Kiona’s The Vivacious Vicky.

Instead, I decided to let the wines speak for themselves and I plumped for a more traditional feel to the label. I used my family crest on the bottle in recognition of the fact that four generations of us have lived in this building. I blogged about the house before and under a different moniker. If you’d like to read the history of it, you can do so here.

So, what do you think?

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